The true meaning of pain

A friend of mine called today to play some hoops. I figured I could use a little work out so I said yes. We got there and played some half court 3 on 3. Not long after two more guys showed up, a short one and Godzilla himself (in reality a starting lineman for the college I attend). Since I was the tallest guy there I was elected to guard him. Two games later, four broken ribs, and a few slip disks, I walked away. I wasn’t really injured, but I got quite a beating down low – gracefully accepted considering we beat them both games. I’m just glad Mario was a nice guy – nothing worse than a big and mean guy.

Nautilus, Evolution, and Gnome Review

Some of you might notice a new screenshot on It features some of the newest from the Gnome front. I’ve spent the last few hours tweaking various portions of Gnome, Nautilus, and Evolution. Read on for my full review.

I’d like to first say that, in my opinion, the screenshot looks GREAT. Let’s start in on the review now.

This is Gnome’s new file manager and does it ever have potential! It supports ftp, http, nntp (not tested), and files without any problem. It’s snappy while loading my $HOME (with almost 800 items in it) and lods subsequent windows with ease. The theme I have is vector based, which allows you to resize icons, antialiased, etc. I haven’t got TTF working yet, but I plan on working on it. I’d really like to get some funky fonts kicking. My only complaint is that, even though it loaded ftp and samba shares fine, I could not a.) play mp3’s from my samba share or b.) edit files via ftp. This seems like something that would be standard – no?

This is the contact manager/email client/calendar application created by Ximian. It’s got everything you’d expect in such a client and closely resembles Outlook. I haven’t used it much, but I like how it works so far.

The Gnome team seems to have addressed most of the speed issues that once plagued the project. It loads up pretty fast (considering all the stuff it starts up with), works well integrating various applications, and is generally nice to use. My only beef is that I can’t find the keyboard shortcut editor.

I’d recommend everyone check it out.

The uninformed media

You would think that CNN would understand that IRC (aka Internet Relay Chat) is not just a protocol that lets users “copy files at high speed from other computers on different networks.” In fact the only thing that allows you to copy anything at high speeds is having a high speed connection. Plus, as the story indicates, IRC is a CHAT PROTOCOL! Up and Running

For those of you out there that actually read this site I’d like to offer an explanation as to why the site has been down for almsot a week (ack!). It seems zebulon died a firey death after being up almost a year. I ended up going to pick him up and then brought him to our new NOC. All seems to be running smoothly now.