I’ve fixed a minor security hole in my PEAR version of the framework that I created for the ONLamp.com article Understanding MVC in PHP. Everyone who is currently using Framework 0.0.6 or below should update their install immediately.
To upgrade:
$ pear upgrade "http://www.joestump.net/jax/content/source/Framework/Framework-0.0.7.tgz"
To install:
$ pear install "http://www.joestump.net/jax/content/source/Framework/Framework-0.0.7.tgz"
Could you please write some on-line documentation about this release?
Some changelog, something like the article in OnLAMP?
Thank you for the great article about MVC and for this code
Fatal error: Class Framework_Site_example contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Framework_Site_Common::prepare) in /var/atenas/wdocs/devel/framework/Framework/Site/example.php on line 2