Well this season of American Idol is officially under way. Complete the usual arguments between Simon and Paula, horrific singers and plenty of “Ya Dog!”‘s. We’re just now getting to Hollywood after a few weeks of trials across the country.
My friend Josh’s little sister tried out and almost made it to the round where they send you to Simon and crew, but missed out when she was asked to perform something random on the spot (I can’t sing worth a damn so I consider showing up and trying out a feat in itself). Which leads me to believe two things:
- Simon, Paula and Randy do not judge everyone that comes in the door.
- The producers (who are the second round from my understanding) push people on to Simon, Paula and Randy who suck ass simply so Simon will rip them a new one.
Since Clay, no season would be complete without a wannabe. I, personally, think Clay is a complete duche. The wholesale cutesie image that he’s pushing is such a pile of steaming crap it hurts. At any rate, the new Clay is that skinny little blonde kid who “overcame amazing odds” after having some procedure done as a kid that was supposed to leave him without his voice. Unfortunately, we weren’t that lucky. Can he sing? Yeah, he can, but he’s not the best in this crowd. And how can you be a pop icon if you’re 5’5” and weigh 120lbs?
At this time I have no favorites. I’ll refrain from pushing my own agenda until we’re on to the final 24 or whatever it is. Oh, and would you guys PLEASE quit posting to those old ass Idol posts from last year?