Canon PowerShot SD100

I’ve been thinking about getting a new digital camera for the last couple of weeks now. My old Sony DSC-P30 had served me well for a couple of years, but at 1.2 megapixels it was seriously lacking in the quality department. While trying to take some photos for the redesign of this website I finally got fed up and decided that I was getting myself a new digital camera for Christmas.

I had originally looked into the Nikon CoolPix 3100, but read a few unfavorable reviews on I also looked at the Casio QV-R40, which received favorable reviews, but lacked brand name quality and wasn’t available locally in the area. For a purchase of this sizeĀ I wasn’t willing to order over the web. So I finally settled on purchasing the Canon PowerShot SD100 from BestBuy.

Last night, after I had charged the battery, I settled in to take a few pictures and compare them to my DSC-P30. The results are in and the PowerShot, obviously, whooped all over my old Sony, which was a relief. I was really looking for two things when I purchased this camera; namely the two things my Sony really lacked – a small form factor and good photo quality. The Canon ELPH series is known for being tiny (about the size of a pack of ciggarettes) and I think the quality is more than adequate for what I plan on using it for.

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