Army and Marines welcome terrorists into their ranks

In what has to be the richest ironic twist I’ve seen in my life a CNN article titled “Army, Marines give wavers to more felons” it’s reported that both the Army and the Marines have decided to go ahead and let known and convicted terrorists join them while fighting their fellow terrorists.

Recruits were allowed to enlist after having been convicted of crimes including assault, burglary, drug possession and making terrorist threats.

2 thoughts on “Army and Marines welcome terrorists into their ranks

  1. I’m glad to see that the government is allowing felons to join the armed forces. I always felt that robbers and thieves needed to be better trained in the use of weapons and hand to hand combat.

  2. I have a friend who’s record says “…making terrostic threats…”
    He was just drunk and said something along the lines of, “I’ma buuurrrin yohwa heeyyouse deeyoownn nyyyy**ccuh!”

    when he’s sober, he’s actually quite mellow….

    “terroristic threats” don’t mean much to me lol

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