It's called responsibility

I recently posted about how I am in favor of legalizing drugs. This is a completely foreign concept to some, but makes a lot of sense if you cool your head and sit back and think about it.

My dad would often tell me when I was growing up that I could hate him and think of him what I pleased as long as I respected him. He taught me all about two key words that are lost on most Americans today: respect and responsibility. I believe in those two words very much, which is why I’m in favor of legalizing drugs. I respect your right, as perverse as it sounds, to destroy your own life. I respect myself enough to not use drugs. I’m responsible enough to realize that doing drugs won’t get me ahead in this world.

I think that more people should respect others actions, unless those actions tread on other people. What people are saying when they think drugs should not be legalized is that they don’t respect the decisions I make or think I’m not responsible enough to make the decision not to use drugs, which offends me.

I’d like to clarify a few things about my stance on legalizing drugs that some people forget.

  1. Legalizing drugs would allow us to regulate them, much like alcohol is regulated (ie. you can’t buy grain alcohol in most states). This would lead to safer drug use.
  2. I would want anti-drug campaigns to continue just as they do now.
  3. I don’t use nor wish to use drugs, but I respect your choice to use them responsibly. Just as I respect your choice to responsibly use alcohol now. I trust that you aren’t hopping in your car drunk and driving around and, if you are, then there are laws to deal with you.

Before posting a comment this time sit back and think about the statements above. If you’re a parent worrying about your child using drugs if they are legal, your naive. You need to be worrying about them using drugs RIGHT NOW. I can tell you from experience that drugs are readily available as soon as junior high. You know what you’re doing? You’re not taking responsibility for your child’s actions.

My parents were involved in my life growing up. They asked the tough questions, they made the tough decisions and they disciplined me whenever I screwed up. I see it too often these days that kids run their parent’s lives and not the other way. I used to say that I’d be cool to my kids, but now I realize that if I was their best friend I’d be doing them a disservice.

You heard it here last – crappy parents are responsible for rampant drug use among teens – not a failing war on drugs.

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