Roomie meet my Mom

I read a story about a mother who moved into her daughter’s dorm room at college and just had to laugh. While my mother wasn’t anywhere near this bad, I do know mothers out there who I could see doing such things. I’ve also heard similar stories about parents who couldn’t let go once students leave home. I can see the point that they’re paying for the education and they should know what they’re paying for.

On the other hand you have students who view college as a soft launch into adulthood where they learn inventive ways to cook raman noodles and the precise number of classes you can skip and still get a decent grade in a class. I tend to lean in favor of the students. This isn’t a time for more parental involvement, but less. It’s a time for young adults to define who they are and parents to respect that.

Luckily my parents only cared that I was getting good grades and stayed out of jail for the most part. Things turned out just fine too. I made some mistakes, learned a few things both in and out of the class room, met my soon-to-be-wife and generally had more fun that I should have, but I graduated and have a decent paying job so I guess it’s all good. But, under no circumstances, would I have allowed my mom to live in my dorm room with me.

2 thoughts on “Roomie meet my Mom

  1. In your blog you make us sound so shallow, we wanted more for you than good grades and staying out of jail! But with college comes responsibilty and respect for yourself and others. We hope you would want that for yourself and parents also. I have never been in jail and hope the same for you. Keep up the good work. MOM

  2. In your blog you make us sound so shallow, we wanted more for you than good grades and staying out of jail! But with college comes responsibilty and respect for yourself and others. We hope you would want that for yourself and parents also. I have never been in jail and hope the same for you. Keep up the good work. MOM

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