Many people know I’m a geek. It’s ok, I have come to terms with it. Basically, it’s a compliment in my opinion. Here I outline what it takes to be a geek. Read on.
Make your list and check it twice ….
- Adopt a funny little animal as your mascot – preferably a penguin or unimposing devil
- Wear glasses
- Know one of the following movie/book series by heart: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or the Jersey Trilogy
- Own lots of gadgets
- Create a cron job to recompile the latest CVS version of the kernel and reboot each night
- Code using a low level language and complain about having a left over bit in your 8-bit bitmask
- Check Slashdot or Kuro5hin at least 10 times a day
- Become a optionaire
- Frequent IRC or a mailing list – make fun of AOL h4x0rz while doing so
- Start at least one flame per week, while trolling your favorite boards
- Pipe flagged messages to festival and brag about how you have talking email
- Laugh at the kids who become computer majors “to make money.”
- Drink lots of beer, code even more
- Attend at least one UG, whether its a LUG, MUG, or PUG.
- Reminisce about your Altair, Amiga, or IIe
- Release something under the GPL
That’s just a short list of what it takes to be a true geek. If you have done more than 90% of the things on this list then I’d consider you l33+ hax0r.